COVID-19 Resources

ISHA COVID-19 Resources and Vaccine Information

Vaccine Distribution Information

ISHA supports priority access to COVID-19 vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration for audiologists and speech-language pathologists who provide in-person assessment and treatment services.

As the COVID-19 vaccine distribution continues, we encourage you to review the distribution phases in Iowa to determine when you will be eligible for the vaccine. ISHA will continue to advocate for priority vaccine access for our members, recognizing that effective communication is essential and that our members will continue to provide needed services regardless of personal risk. Click the button below to download our letter that outlines more of our efforts and provides additional resources.

See More Resources

ASHA's Letter to Governor Reynolds

ASHA has sent a letter to the governor, urging priority access for audiologists and SLPs. Click the button below to access the letter.

Read the Letter

IDAC Resources

Iowa's Infectious Disease Advisory Council provides the latest updates about the COVID-19 vaccine distribution plans. Visit IDAC's site to read more about the most recent recommendations.

Visit IDAC Site

February and March 2021 Town Hall Meetings

In February and March 2021, we hosted town hall meetings to discuss topics and issues currently facing SLPs and AuDs. Watch the recordings below to see what was discussed!

Schools – Danika Schroeder, VP for Schools

Advocacy – Rachael Suddarth, President, Ashley Laudick, President Elect, and Kevin Kock, Treasurer

Medical – Brian Peterson, VP for Medical, Clinical, and Private Settings, Katie Decker, VP for Continuing Education, and Ashley Laudick, President Elect

Audiology – Stephanie Fleckenstein, VP for Audiology, Kevin Kock, Treasurer, and Kellsie Busho, VP for Public Relations

2021 Town Hall Meeting Recordings

ISHA Town Hall Meetings - August 2020

Join us on Thursdays in August for our ISHA Town Hall Meetings! This is a FREE opportunity for members, and non-members, to gather virtually and discuss hot topics and current issues facing our industry. So invite a coworker and get registered today!

ISHA Town Hall Meeting Schedule:

  • Medical SLP & COVID-19 – Katie Decker, ISHA VP for Continuing Education (RECORDING AVAILABLE BELOW!)
  • SLP Schools & COVID-19 - Danika Schroeder, ISHA VP of Schools (RECORDING AVAILABLE BELOW!)
  • Audiology & COVID-19 - Stephanie Fleckenstein, ISHA VP for Audiology (RECORDING AVAILABLE BELOW!)
  • Legislative Update w/ Telehealth & Licensure Issues - Lacey Wolf, ISHA President & Rachael Suddarth, ISHA President Elect (Recording coming soon!)

ISHA Town Hall Meeting Recordings

Click here to access the materials referenced in the town hall meetings!

COVID-19 Resources Continued

Check out the new and updated resources! (April 13, 2020)  

As recommendations continue to evolve regarding COVID-19, ISHA is working to provide a centralized platform for communication and resources specific to this situation. We have developed the resources listed below to provide our members with the most up to date information to help navigate the rapidly changing landscape in our communities. We will update this page as we receive information from AHSA, the CDC and IDPH along with the other organization listed below. Please follow us on FB for updates or contact our office at

ASHA Information (Daily Updates) 

CE Resources

Iowa Department of Public Health Licensure Board

Free Continuing Education Offers


American Academy of Audiology Covid 19 Resource Page

Employer/Employee Resources

Center for Industrial Research and Service (Iowa-specific information)

Legal Resources in the Workplace and for Healthcare Providers

Community Resources

Centers for Disease Control

Iowa Department of Public Health

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